Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Prayer for President Obama_March24_2010

Dear Lord,
we thank you for this wonderful day.  We thank you that you continue to confound the wise of this world with your actions.  We thank you for the gift of life and for a new day to live a life that honors you and bring glory to your name.  We repent of our sins, what we have done or failed to do, what we have said that does not glorify your name.  Wash us with the blood of Jesus and cleanse us from all unrighteousness.  Father we continue to pray that you will open the eyes of your people and that the truth will come to light. For we know you judge the heart and no one can deceive you.  I pray for President Obama, for his cabinet, members of congress and members of the armed forces.  Lord protect them with a hedge of fire, frustrate every effort and the plan of the enemy concerning this men and women you have appointed into leadership.  Cause them to rise above their enemies and confound those who seek them harm by showing them good, and filling their cups to overflowing, by preparing a table for them in the presence of their enemies so that those who doubt your love for them will come to acknowledge that your banner over these leaders is love.  Thank you Lord for all you have done and all you continue to do.

Lord continue to cause a turn around in the economy, release innovative business ideas among your people and release every hold the enemy has over the economy.  Free us to prosper and more so to know Christ as our Lord and Savior.
In Jesus' Might Name I pray.

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