Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Prayer for President Obama_March22_2010

Dear Lord,
we rejoice this day because You have allowed what man claimed would not be possible to be possible.  Help me to remember that You are in control and and that Your will is done always.  Thank you for allowing this historic passage of the health care bill.  We thank you for those who were brave enough to pass this bill. Father protect them from every negative plan of the enemy against them.  I pray Lord that you will open the eyes of all so that every deception of the enemy concerning this bill will  be revealed.  Thank you Lord, that in Your word, You assure us that the battle is not ours but Yours.  Let all instruments of failure fashioned against those who are driven by compassion receive the fire of God and be incinerated to ashes in the name of Jesus.  Father, break and cancel every curse spoken over every elected leader in Washington DC and the State Capitals.  Break every curse spoken over the military personnel keeping peace outside the US, and cancel the consequences and evil effects of all curses in the name of Jesus. Father, expose every agent of the enemy in the name of Jesus and let every opposition to our financial, economic, health, education, spiritual breakthroughs and cancel all their plans in the name of Jesus.  Lord, watch over President Obama, his cabinet and all elected leaders in the name of Jesus. We ask for wisdom to execute effectively every aspect of the health bill that your name may be glorified.  Lord we declare that there will be no waste. Reveal every opening that the enemy is using to steal from the government thus making health care more expensive than it should be.  Father we ask for a spirit of accountability and good governance in all the people of this nation in the name of Jesus.  Father we declare no loss. Seal every hole that has been constructed by the enemy to take advantage of the health care bill, and Lord please allow every loophole to be identified and closed in the name of Jesus.  We give you praise Lord because you reign.  In The Mighty Name of Jesus Christ. Amen

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