Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Prayer for President Obama_March17_2010

Dear Lord,
I bless your name this morning and thank you for yet another wonderful day and for the gift of life. I thank you for this nation because I believe that the plans you have for USA are plans to prosper it and not to harm it.  I lift every voice of the believer and their desires according to your perfect will.  As you have commanded us to pray for our leaders, Lord I pray for President Obama and all the elected leaders of this nation.  Lord you know the plans and desires of their hearts.  Lord cause their desires to line up with your perfect will for their lives and for this nation.  Father bless President Obama with supernatural wisdom, understanding, and knowledge.  I pray that you will bring the desires of his heart to line up with your will for his life and this nation.  Grant him favor with man and angels, and make his path smooth.  Cause all those who rise up against him to be scattered before him, those who attack him from one direction, let them flee in seven.  Father fortify him with strength by your spirit that he may not despair in the role and task that you have given him.  Lord frustrate every token of liars concerning and frustrate every wicked opposition that is orchestrated by evil.  In his daily activities, Father God, let President Obama lift his eyes unto you, for his help comes from you, the ruler of heaven and earth.  Let him understand that You will not suffer his foot to be moved, and that you neither slumber nor sleep. Be a shade upon his right hand that the sun may not smite him by day nor the moon by night.  Lord, preserve President Obama from all evil.  Preserve his soul. Preserve his going out and his coming in, form this day forth and forever more.
In Jesus' Might Name I pray to you Lord, Amen

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