Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Prayer for President Obama, June 1, 2010

Our Lord and our God,
I lift up Your name this day. Be Thou exalted, magnified and adored.  Lord I bless Your name this morning. I exalt Your Majesty.  I worship You.  Lord I commit this day into Your hands. I ask Lord that You may guide my footsteps that whatever I do or say may glorify You.

Lord, this morning I lift up President Obama before Your throne of grace.  Lord be with him.  Protect him from every evil power.  Cause him to be wise in his dealings this day. Cause him to make Godly decisions that honor and glorify Your name.  Lord frustrate every token of liars concerning him.  Cause all those who seek to harm him, his leadership and this nation to fail in the name of Jesus.  Make him a head taller than his peers.  May all those who seek to laugh at him find themselves laughing with him.  May those who plan evil against him reap the harvest of their work. Lord even as Your word says, that we sow we shall reap. Let those who sow goodness reap of the goodness they have sown and those who sow evil reap of their evil.  Lord cover President Obama with the blood of Jesus. Make him invisible to his enemies and the agents of evil that have been assigned against him in the name of Jesus.  Lord turn every evil plan organized against him for his good in the name of Jesus.  May those who seek to harm him be confounded and confused.  May those who seek his life physical, spiritual, reputation be struck with blindness in the name of Jesus.

Lord, help the President to identify men and women in whom you have placed wisdom to find ways of stemming the flow of oil in the gulf in the name of Jesus.  Grant him knowledge and divine wisdom to seek out and to find all that will be useful in meeting the needs of this disaster and even of the need that is faced by the US army and peace keeping forces in the middle East. Lord in the name of Jesus, grant him the grace to understand the times and divine wisdom to implement divine strategies that will shut out the enemy and give him and the US victory in every area of their engagement in world.

Lord I also lift up Israel before You this morning.  Father, save them from all their enemies. Cause those who seek their downfall to be defeated in their plans in the name of Jesus.  I ask for favor and supernatural turnaround for those who may not understand the historic place Israel holds before Your Holy Name.  Lord cover Israel with the blood of Jesus and cause all who seek their demise to be confounded and confused.  Expose every satanic plan against Your people Israel and cause men of understanding and political strength and will to come to their defense in Jesus' name.  Lord be their banner of love over them in the name of Jesus. Protect them from their enemies and save them as Your word says Lord; They are the apple of your eye.  Bless Israel's coming in and going out.

In the Mighty Name of Jesus I pray.  AMEN!

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