Thursday, May 6, 2010

Prayer for President Obama, May 6, 2010

Our Lord and our Father,
Thank you for a beautiful day, the sunshine, the green trees and fields, and Your love and mercy that You continue to pour over us, irrespective of our spiritual disposition.  I thank You this day for Your everlasting word that You have given us to teach us, encourage us, correct us and to train us in righteousness.  Teach us to love Your word that we will take time to meditate on it day and night and to keep Your statues. Thank you Father for the gift of life, for health, for a sound mind.  Thank you that we are alive by Your grace and Your power. Thank you that nothing is impossible with You, and that all things work together for good for those who are called according to Your divine purpose.  Lord bless President Obama this day. Bless his cabinet and every elected official in the nation in Jesus' Name.  Bless their families and protect them from every attack of the enemy.  Even as we pray for this nation.  Bless his coming in and his going out. Bless the work of his hands and bless and direct every decision he makes to line up with Your word and perfect will oh Lord. Grant him the wisdom of Solomon, David, Joseph, Elijah and all the prophets of old that you used to lead your people into righteousness.  Lord grant President Obama favor with man and with angels.  Give him the assurance that you are in control and that You are watching over him to prosper and not to harm  him.  Grant him peace and rest each day as he seeks You to guide his decisions concerning the welfare of this nation.  Frustrate all the plans hatched in the camp of the enemy and those who hate him or who hate this nation.

Lord, expose every plan of the enemy designed against any American citizen and the military serving in foreign lands.  Grant them safety, hide them from the enemy.  May all who seek their lives be struck with blindness like the army of the Arameans that sought to capture Elisha. Bless this nation Lord for Your names' sake.  Bless the economy, the health care system, the education system, the market place, the entertainment system and Your church.  May the name of Jesus continue to be glorified in this nation and may Your will be done in here as it is done in heaven. Given our nation Lord our daily bread, and lead us not into temptation but deliver us from evil, the traps that the enemy lays in our paths, and the deception that he uses to divert us from the path of righteousness.  I speak the blood of Jesus over this nation and over the land.  Purify our hearts Lord and make us instruments of honor to Your Holy Name.  Father hear our prayers and fulfill them in accordance to Your perfect will.  Be blessed Jehovah God, and to you alone be Glory and Power and Might for ever and ever and ever, Amen!

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