Monday, August 15, 2011

Prayer for President Obama, August 15, 2011

Dear Lord God,
thank you for a beautiful Monday morning.  Thank you for all the love and provisions throughout the past week and the coming week. I worship Your Majesty and say thanks.  Lord, according to Your commandment that we should pray for those in leadership, I pray Lord that You will bless President Obama.  Lord guide his footsteps this day.  Cause him to excel Lord, to be the head and not the tail, to be on top and not the bottom. Father, I pray that Your Will be done in his life and that His ears are open to the voice of Your Holy Spirit.  Father, grant him supernatural wisdom from above, divine strategies and innovative ways of moving this nation forward in the Name of Jesus. Lord I pray that You will frustrate every token of liars and every enemy of Presidnet Obama in Jesus' Name.  Lord, may President Obama be attentive to Your Spirit and Your direction.  Strengthen his feet and strengthen his hands Lord.  Cause him to be a head taller than his peers.  Prepare a table before him in the presence of his enemies.  May his cup be filled to overflowing.  Surely goodness and mercies will follow him all the days of his life. And he will rejoice in Your presence for ever and ever AMEN!

Lord I seal this prayer in the Blood of Jesus and deliver it before Your throne of grace.

Lord, be exalted.

In Jesus' Name I have prayed,

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