Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Prayer for President Obama, JAN 26, 2011

Dear Lord God,

Hallowed be Thy Name in all the earth.  We bless Your majesty this morning Lord.  May Your will be done, may Your kingdom come on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread, and forgive us our trespasses, as we forgive those who trespass against us. Lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil, for Thine is the kingdom, the power and the glory, for ever and ever Amen!

Lord, thank You for President Obama, and for showing Yourself strong on his behalf.  Thank You for calling diviners mad. Thank You for raising him a head taller than his peers. Thank You Lord for showing that You are the one who is in charge of this nation.  Lord, continue to shower president Obama with knowledge, wisdom, understanding and abilities beyond his advisers.  Shower him with favor with his peers, his colleagues and his enemies.  Cause him to always seek Your face in all he does.  Lord, guide  his footsteps, and listen to his cry before Your throne of grace. Lord fill him with hope and strategies.  Lord grant him armies of men and women who will continue to advocate for him and cause him to know that You and all who support him have his back in Jesus' Name.  Lord, May all who seek to support him be empowered and provided with the opportunities to do so.  May all who seek to serve the American people in truth and with integrity be one with the President in the Name of Jesus.  May all who see the good of this nation begin to work together in the Name of Jesus.  Lord, break every satanic barrier that has been erected between the parties, the races, religious faiths and socio-economic status in the Name of Jesus.

Father,  remove every obstacle that stands in the way of progress in this nation in the Name of Jesus.  Father, let Your light shine on those You have anointed to be leaders in this nation in the Name of Jesus.  Lord, let not our light be hidden, but release us to shine everywhere you have placed us as believers and those who walk in the fear of Your Holy Name, in Jesus' Name.  Father, thank You for all You are doing in the economy, for releasing finances to begin to fuel the economy.  Lord, let wise ideas reign and overtake every unwise idea in the Name of Jesus.  Lord empower Your church to excel in the marketplace and to begin to cause many to live according to Your Will in Jesus' Name.

Thank You father for hearing my prayer.  I cover it in the blood of Jesus and present it before Your throne of Grace. In Jesus' Name I have prayed, AMEN!

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