Monday, January 24, 2011

Prayer for President Obama, Jan 23, 2011

Dear Lord God,

I thank You this day for President Obama. I thank You that You chose him to lead this nation.  Thank You for the widsom you contintue to bestow upon him.  Lord may his end be better than his beginning. May all his proposals find favor in the sight of his divine helpers in teh Name of Jesus.  Lord remove every demonic obstacles that have been planted in the hearts of his helpers in the Name of Jesus.  Lord put to flight all spirits of fear, anxiety, discouragement and oppression in the Name of Jesus.  Lord hammer the passion You have put into his heart into the hearts of his divine helpers in the Name of Jesus.  Lord break the backbone of conspiracy and treachery against him in the Name of Jesus.  Lord paralyse every handiwork of his enemies and envious agents in the Name of Jesus.  Lord let all evil competitors stumble and fall in the Name of Jesus. Lord let all adverseries to his breakthrough be put to shame in the Name of Jesus.  Father completely nullify every negative word or pronouncement against President Obama in the Name of Jesus.  Let all his competitors find his defeat unattainable in Jesus' Name.  Lord bind and disable every spirit manipulating all beneficiaries of the President in the Name of Jesus.  Lord disperse every opposition against President Obama's breakthrough in the Name of Jesus.  Lord shatter to pieces and disperse every evil record planted by the devil in the minds of anyone against the president's advancement in Jesus' Name.  Lord, bind every strongman delegated to hinder the president's progress in the Name of Jesus.  Fire of God, consume every rock tying the president down into the same spot or preventing him from moving forward in his calling in the Name of Jesus.  Lord break every demonic chain holding back the President in the Name of Jesus.  Lord bind every evil spirit controlling the minds of all human agents delaying or preventing the president's advancement in Jesus' Name.  Lord, bind every deception and manipulation targeting the life and family and government of President Obama in the Name of Jesus. 

Lord, begin to raise President Obama from the minimum to the maximum.  Lord send forth divine wisdom upon all who are supporting the president in the Name of Jesus.  Lord grant the president power to overcome and excel among all his competitors in the Name of Jesus.  Let every decision by any panel of judges or decision makers be favorable to the president in the Name of Jesus.  Lord, grant the president supernatural wisdom to answer all questions of his adversaries in a way that will advance his cause and the call on his life in the Name of Jesus.  Lord, let wonderful changes begin to be President Obama's lot in the Name of Jesus.  Lord bring president Obama in favor with all those who will advance him in his work in the Name of Jesus.  Lord cause divine substitition to happen if this is what will advance President Obama in the Name of Jesus.  Lord, smoothen Presisent Obama's path to the top by Your hand of fire in the Name of Jesus.  Lord, dispatch Your angels to roll away the stone that is hindering his divine progress, promotion, advancement or elevation in the Name of Jesus.  Lord release Your angels to fight President Obama's battles in the Name of Jesus.  Lord let the rain of love, wisdom, knowledge, revelation, purity, excellence, restoration, strength, deliverance, innovative ideas and supernatural abilities fall upon President Obama in abundance in the Name of Jesus.

Thank Your Father for the opportunity to come before Your throne of grace in prayer.  I cover this prayer in the Blood of Jesus and deliver it at Your throne of grace.  Thank You Lord for answering my prayer.

In Jesus' Name I have prayed  AMEN!

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