Monday, October 4, 2010

Prayer for President Obama, October 4, 2010

My Lord and My God,
Be Thou exalted this morning.  May Your kingdom come, may Your Will be done on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread and forgive us our sins, as we forgive those who sin against us.  Lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil, for thine is the Kingdom the Power and the Glory for ever and ever AMEN!

Lord, I lift up President Obama before Your throne of Grace this morning. I pray Lord that You will fortify him with Your Holy Spirit, and that You will hide him under the shadow of Your wings.  Lord, touch his spirit and let him experience Your comfort Lord in his current position as president.  I pray Lord that You will protect him from all who seek to embarrass or humiliate him.  Lord make him the head and not the head, may he be always on top and never at the bottom.  Jehovah, cause him to be a head taller than his peers. May all his detractors and the naysayers be turned back and dismayed.  May all who seek his life for evil experience astounding defeat. Lord like an undeserved curse that never settles, Lord let every negative word, every undeserved curse, every evil talk against the president not settle but boomerang back to the sender in Jesus' Name.  May those who desire to bring him down observe as you raise him even higher in the Name of Jesus.  Lord bless him indeed. Prepare a table for him in your presence O Lord, anoint his head with oil.  Fill his cup of blessings to overflowing. May those who pray for him rejoice with him as they observe Your abundant blessings and favor over his life.  Oh Lord, make president Obama a channel for Your blessings.  Let his ears be instruments of divine revelations, let the anointing of the overcomer fall upon his life in Jesus' Name.  Let the power, glory and the Kingdom of the Living God come upon every department of president Obama's life in Jesus Name.  May President Obama rejoice over the blessings and favor and good things You will fill his life with in the Name of Jesus.  Let every tear he has shed be turned to Joy and dancing in the Name of Jesus.   Lord promote and advance president Obama in a miraculous way.  Transport him from the minimum to the maximum.  Lord, touch him with unchanging hands of miracles.

Lord, bless the work of his hands this day. Give him wisdom, knowledge and divine strategies to meet every task on hand in Jesus' Name.  Holy Spirit, grant him the grace to have a discerning eye and ear in the Name of Jesus. Lord bless his coming in and his going out.  Fill him with the wisdom of Solomon, Joseph and Daniel in the Name of Jesus.  Grant him victory this day and in the upcoming elections in the Name of Jesus.

Lord I pray for the economy. May Your will be done Lord.  Fire up what needs to be fired up and close down what needs to be closed down in the Name of Jesus.  Lord grant Your people divine ideas and strategies to begin the market place ministries that You have ordained in the Name of Jesus.  Lord turn our hearts around to honor Your faithfulness with our tithes and offerings.  Lord watch over this land and protect it from every evil plan of the enemy whether it is from within or without in Jesus' Name.

Lord, I lift up Israel before Your throne of Grace. Lord Bless Israel in the Name of Jesus. May they experience supernatural victories in the Name of Jesus. May all their enemies who attack them be scattered in more than 7 directions in the Name of Jesus.  Watch over the Land of Israel Lord and station Your troops to surround Jerusalem in the Name of Jesus.  Lord, may Your will be done during the Peace talks.  May your peace be established over Jerusalem, in the Name of Jesus.

Lord, I lift up our troops. Lord bless them and be with them.  Cover them under the shadow of Your wings.  Grant them supernatural abilities to discern every plan of the enemy and the wisdom to thwart every attack in the Name of Jesus. I plead the Blood of Jesus over their lives this day. Lord protect and keep them safe in the Name of Jesus. Bless all their family members and loved ones, and hasten the peace process in the Name of Jesus.

Lord I cover this prayer in the Blood of Jesus.  Lord bring it to pass in the Name of Jesus.

In Jesus' Name I pray.


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