Thursday, October 28, 2010

Prayer for President Obama, October 28, 2010

My Lord and my God, Blessed be Your Name in all the earth.  Be lifted up this morning, be magnified, be exalted.  Lord, I give You praise for You are my God.  There is none other like You Lord.  None in the heavens, on earth and beneath the earth.  I give You praise my father.  I also commit this day into Your mighty hands, that Your Will may be done in my life and in this nation.  Lord, release Your power over this Nation and those in authority that they may rule in righteousness and in the fear of Your Holy Name.

Lord, this morning I thank You for the gift of life, for health and for a sound mind.  I thank You that I am the head and not the tail. I thank You that I have the power to overcome every attack of the enemy because of the Blood of Jesus that was shed on Calvary.  I thank You Lord that, that blood that was shed on Calvary gives me power to overcome every obstacle that the enemy throws my way. That power gives me authority over powers and principalities, to break yokes and bondages, and to speak blessings in the life of President Obama.  Lord, I lift him up before Your throne of grace this morning.  Lord, bless him indeed. Extend the borders of his territory.  Lord make him the head and not the tail. Let him be on top and not the bottom. Lord empower him with supernatural wisdom and knowledge of times and events.  Give him grace to walk in the fear of Your Holy Name.  Lord, may all who seek to bring him down be turned back and confused.  May all who rejoice at his setbacks mourn as You double his successes.  Lord may all who plan and plot against him recieve resounding failure and destruction in the Name of Jesus.  Father, grant him favor with man and angels.  Let all who seek to discredit him be confused and their plans put in total disarray in the Name of Jesus.  May all who seek his life be for ever defeated in their plans in the Name of Jesus.  Lord cover him with the Blood of Jesus, surround him with the hedge of Holy Ghost fire.  May his guardian angels take charge of him even as he works out the calling of leadership on his life.  Lord, let many say about him that this is the blessed of the Lord.  Father, grant him supernatural wisdom, abilities and strategies to begin to work out a plan that only You have ordained for his life and the life of this nation in the Name of Jesus.

Father, I lift up the family of the president before Your throne of grace.  Lord bless them with health, wealth and wisdom, that all who seek to harm them may witness their own plans foiled by the Holy Spirit in the Name of Jesus.  Lord make them too hot for the enemy or his agents to handle in the Name of Jesus.  Prosper them and grant them the desires of their hearts according to Your perfect Will.  Lord, be exalted in their lives in the Name of Jesus.

Father I lift up the economy before Your throne of grace and thank You that You are working out things according to Your perfect will. Lord grant the faithful with wisdom and favor Lord, especially in the things of the economy and in the Marketplace.  Lord turn every negative statement about the economy into a positive one.  Lord, bless this Nation and the leaders and the businesses that operate according to Your principles.  May Your will for ever be upheld in every area of this nation in the Name of Jesus.

Lord, I lift up Jerusalem and the Land of Israel before Your throne of grace.  Lord bless their coming in and their going out.  Bless their works and their plans.  Grant them supernatural and divine strategies Lord that they may overcome every plan of their enemies.  Grant them wisdom and supernatural abilities in the defense of Israel in the Name of Jesus.  Lord, may all their enemies be scattered into the four corners of the world, and may You plant them as a tree besides the streams of living water.  Father protect them from their enemies and grant them favor with all nations in the Name of Jesus.

Lord, I pray for the troops.  Bless them, and protect them from every plan of their enemies in the Name of Jesus. Lord I speak to their minds and declare that they be healed in the Name of Jesus. I curse every attack on their mental health in the Name of Jesus and  I speak healing and rehabilitation of their minds in the name of Jesus.  Lord bless their family members and watch over them.  Protect them from every attack of their enemies in the Name of Jesus.

Father, I cover this prayer in the Blood of Jesus. Lord hear my prayers, in Jesus' Name I have prayed,

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