Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Prayer for President Obama, October 16, 2010

Our Lord and our God,
Hallowed be Thy Name.  Father, I commit this day into Thy hands. Lord may Your Name be glorified in the heavens and on earth.  May Your kingdom come, may Your Will be done on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread, and lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil, for Thine is the kingdom, the power and the glory for ever and ever Amen.

Lord, I commit President Obama into Your mighty hands in the Name of Jesus.  Lord be exalted in his life and in this country.  Father, bless his coming in and his going out.  Lord cause every opposition against him to fail in the Name of Jesus. May Your favor upon his life manifest in the presence of his enemies in the Name of Jesus.  Lord anoint him with the anointing of the overcomer in the Name of Jesus.  May his ways be pleasing to You O Lord.  Cause him to be the head and not the tail, to be on top and not the bottom. Grant him this day supernatural wisdom, supernatural favor, supernatural abilities and supernatural peace in the Name of Jesus. Grant him every support he needs to rule in righteousness in the Name of Jesus. May all those who seek to see him fail witness his success in the Name of Jesus. Frustrate the desires of the ungodly concerning him.  Lord, mark him for Your blessings daily in the Name of Jesus.  Father, strengthen his spirit so many will be encouraged by his courage in the Name of Jesus.

 Lord remove every stumbling block to President Obama's leadership in the Name of Jesus. Lord remove every ungodly opposition against his leadership in the name of Jesus.  Father deflect and return to the sender every poisoned arrow that is fired against the president in the Name of Jesus.  Lord, let Your Name be gloried in his life, that even those who are skeptical about Your existence will say that surely, it is the work of Jehovah God.

Thank You for Israel. Protect and guide her leaders. Protect her military personnel, and protect the people of Israel in the Name of Jesus.  Father, bless the middle East, flood it with Your peace and with Your Word in the Name of Jesus. May all come to trust and receive Christ as their Lord and savior, in the Name of Jesus.  Father, I commit the economy into Your hands.  Bless the economy and cause everyone that is interested in seeing the success of this country work towards it in the Name of Jesus. Lord, resurrect every good thing that is dead in the economy in the Name of Jesus and cause even the naysayers to acknowledge Your sovereignty Lord.

Father I cover this prayer in the Blood of Jesus.  Bless it and bless us.  In the Name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth I have prayed, AMEN!

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