Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Prayer for President Obama, November 3, 2010

Our Lord and our God,
blessed be Your Name O Lord.  May Your kingdom come, may Your Will be done on earth as it is heaven.  Give us this day our daily bread, and forgive us our sins, as we forgive those who sin against us, lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil, for Thine is the kingdom, the Power and the Glory, for Ever and Ever AMEN!

Lord I thank You that Your will has been done, and that from everlasting to everlasting You are God. There is none beside You. You appoint the morning and determine the seasons.  Your Name is Jehovah, the Lord God, who has no equal.  Father, thank You for the gift of salvation.  For Your mercy that endures for ever.  Lord You are the Lord that makes a way where there is no way.  Blessed be Your Name O Lord.

Thank You father for President Obama. Thank You Lord that his life is in Your hands.  Lord I pray that You will cover him with the blood of Jesus, from the crown of his head to the sole of his feet. Lord, protect him from every evil attack of the enemy.  Lord surround him with a hedge of fire, and frustrate every plan of the enemy concerning him.  Lord, make him the head and not the tail, may he be on top and not the bottom. Lord fill his heart with gladness and grant him rest of mind and body.  Reassure him of Your protection and support Lord that he may not despair or give up, but that he may continue to stand and fight for those things that You have put on his heart.  Lord surprise him with Your favor and Your mercy.  Cause him to rejoice in Your goodness especially during times of political adversity.  Lord hear our prayers.  Father grant him success where the republicans have guaranteed failure.  Grant him breakthrough's where others have placed obstacles, Revive those issues that his political rivals have killed in the Name of Jesus. Lord, increase the knowledge and understanding of voters about issues and things that others have used to deceive them in the Name of Jesus.  Lord expose every lie of his enemies in the Name of Jesus.  Lord guide the President's decisions this day and throughout the week.  Show Yourself strong on his behalf O Lord, that he may never feel abandoned or alone O God, and that he may experience Your salvation in every area of his life in Jesus' Name.

Father, Bless Israel and protect her from all her enemies.  Frustrate their plans concerning Israel and cause every nation to bless Israel in the Name of Jesus.  Lord protect this nation from every attack of the enemy and cause even their enemies to seek peace with them in the Name of Jesus. Lord, may Your Will be done concerning Israel.

Lord, remember those who have no jobs and those who fear the loss of their livelihood. Lord miraculously provide for their needs in the Name of Jesus.  Bless their coming in and their going out.  Bless the work of their hands give them a hope and a future Lord, that they may trust you in all their ways in the Name of Jesus.

Lord watch over the military personnel serving in the middle East and their families.  Lord, guide them to the knowledge of Christ and his saving grace.  Lord watch over their minds and send forth emotional healing and help them cope with all forms of distress that they have endured in the Name of Jesus. Grant them wisdom to anticipate every attack of their enemies and to design successful counter measures in the Name of Jesus.

Lord, I cover this prayer in the Blood of Jesus, and present it before Your throne of grace Lord.  Thank You Lord for answering my prayers, in Jesus' Name I have prayed,

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