Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Prayer for President Obama, September 14, 2010

Our Lord and our God,

Blessed be Your Name, in all the earth.  Lord I thank  you for this day.  I praise and bless Your Name for You are good, You are kind, You are generous, You are forgiving, and You love us even when we  are unlovable.  I praise You because You are Jehovah God. There is none like You.  You are the Alpha and the Omega, the Beginning and the End.  Lord Be Thou exalted this day.

Father I lift up President Obama before Your throne of Grace this morning.  Lord bless him and cover him under the shadow of Your wings.  Cause him to rise up on wings like an eagle, He will run and not be weary, he will walk and not faint, for Your Spirit will continue to refresh and renew his strength.  Lord grant him supernatural ability this morning and this day, even as You granted Samson supernatural ability against the enemies of Israel.  Grant him wisdom, knowledge and understanding, Lord that He may rest in the knowledge that You are in control and that nothing You did not allow will happen in Jesus' Name.  Lead him along the path of righteousness in pursuit of the calling on his life during this period of his presidency. Fortify him with strength of mind and character.  Cause him to remember that You are the Lord of the universe and that when he calls on You, You will answer and protect him.

Lord frustrate every token of liars concerning President Obama.  Make him the head and not the tail, place him on top and not the bottom. May all who wish evil on him be witnesses of Your blessings upon his life. May all who plan evil against him be witnesses of all the goodness You release upon his life and his leadership.  Lord confound the wise of this world by making things work out contrary to their predictions.  Lord, we pray for peace and prosperity for this nation. We ask for justice and peace for this nation.  We ask for the fear of God to reign over this nation.  And may all who seek the good of this land according to Your perfect Will, rejoice in Your goodness and Your blessings.  May they experience Your hand of grace and favor in their lives in Jesus' Name.

 Lord as a Nation, we repent of every sin in our lives.  We repent of judging others, we repent of our sins of commission and omission.  We ask Lord that You may cleanse us with the blood of Jesus. 

Lord, Bless Israel and establish them forever in the Land of their forefathers.  Protect them from every evil plot of their enemies, and grant them supernatural victories against every force of darkness and every nation that is opposed to their existence in the Name of Jesus.

Father, I cover this prayer in the Blood of Jesus and lift it up before Your throne of Grace. Thank you for answering my prayer.

In Jesus' Name I pray.


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