Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Prayer for President Obama_April 27, 2010

Our Father and our God. This morning, I lift up Your Holy name and praise You.  I exalt You this morning Lord, I magnify Your Holy name and I enthrone You over my life today. Father, even as Your word says, to pray for those You have put in leadership over us, I pray this morning for President Obama.  Bless him indeed.  Bless his going out and his coming in. Bless the work of his hands, bless his decisions and align his desires with Your perfect will for him.  Strengthen his arms, his feet.  Renew his mind and give him the wisdom of Solomon, of David, of Daniel and of Mosses.  Cause his enemies who rise up against him from one direction to flee away in seven.  Cause those who speak ill of him to be embarrased and astounded at how you cause him to prosper and rise up even greater than before. I repent and cancel every negative word spoken against President Obama, against this economy, against the health care system, against the education system, against all areas of government and those who have been elected in leadership from the local, state and national office.  Give them wisdom, surround these leaders with goldy advisers who will speak life into their decisions Lord that they may choose life.  I pray that You will shine Your light upon the person You choose to occupy the seat that has opened up in the supreme court. Lord You know the right candidate and where they are.  Father, even as You directed Samuel to seek out Saul, and David to annoint them as leaders over Isreal, let Your light shine on that nominee. Let them stand a head taller than their peers and let Your peace settle on all those involved in the process and let them experience the devine confirmation that they have selected the right person for the office.  We thank You that You are removing every conterfait nominee and weeding out all that you have not selected for this office. 

Father God, let the economy begin to grow, to increase to prosper.  I speak life into the economy, innovative ideas, time and money saving ideas, economy growing ideas.  I speak creativity, innovative ideas, money generating ideas and godly principles.  I speak to the economy and command jobs to be created that everyone seeking a job will find one. I speak multiplication and exponential increase in the economy in the name of Jesus.

Lord protect this nation against its spriritual and physical enemies.  Frustrate every plan of the enemy concerning the leadership of this nations, the economy, and the health care, the education system and the market place.  I speak life and victory in these areas.  Lord please guard the troops who have been posted in various countries across the world, especially those in the Middle East.  Grant them health, protect their lives and bring them back home safely in the name of Jesus.  Father, let Your will be done in this nation and in the people of this nation.

In Christ's Mighty Name I Pray.  Amen

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