Thursday, September 1, 2011

Prayer for President Obama, September 1, 2011

Dear Lord God,

I thank You for yet another day. I thank You for the sunshine and Your provision for all our needs this day.  Father, I lift up President Obama before Your throne of grace this morning.  May Your presence be with him, may Your Holy angels surround him.  May they cover him from the top of his head to the soles of his feet.  Lord bless his coming in and his going out. Bless the work of his hand.  Grant him quickness of mind and eloquence of speech.  Father, help him to excel in all that You have called him into in this season in the Name of Jesus.  Lord make his light to shine and cause him to exceed even his own expectations of success in the Name of Jesus. Lord, may he excel and be a head taller than his peers.

Father, surround President Obama with a hedge of fire this morning.  Ministering Spirits, I charge you to go forth and cause him to succeed in every area and task he has to do this day and through out the week.  Thank You Father for watching over President Obama and Protecting his life, his health, his mind, his soul and his spirit.  May he always remember that his help comes from You, the maker of the heavens and the earth and praise Your Name for it.

Thank You Lord for Your mercies that endure for ever.  I commit this day into Your hands Lord and Pray that You will watch and keep us under the shadow of Your wings. Lord, I cover this prayer in the Blood of Jesus and deliver it before Your throne of grace.  Thank You Lord for answering all my prayers.

In Jesus' Name I pray. AMEN!

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