Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Prayer for President Obama, December 8, 2010

Our Lord and our God,

Hallowed be Thy Name.  May Your kingdom come, may Your Will be done on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread and lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil, for Thine is the kingdom, the power and the glory, for ever and ever AMEN!

Lord I bless You and I magnify Your Holy Name this day.  Father bless President Obama today. Cause his enemies to make peace with him in the Name of Jesus. Father, grant him divine wisdom from the throne of grace.  Guide his footsteps even as he influences policy and works to breach the divide between the democrats and the republicans.  Lord, let him remember that it is he whom You have appointed as the president and that whatever he does Lord, let it be motivated by the love of this nation and obedience to Your Holy Name.  Lord prosper President Obama in his presidency in the Name of Jesus.  Lord, in his leadership, help him to seek You first, and Your righteousness O Lord.  Lord grant him power to gain wealth.  Lord, make him as a tree planted by the rivers of waters.  That he may continue to bear good fruit Lord, and that Your Name may continue to be glorified in the Name of Jesus.

Lord let all satanic instruments used against president Obama especially to undermine his presidency be completely destroyed in the Name of Jesus.  I paralyze, deactivate and destroy every satanic transaction, agreement or contract made against president Obama in the Name of Jesus.  Lord, disorganize every satanic network, media or forum organized to discredit president Obama in the Name of Jesus.  Let such networks, media and fora  set up to discredit president Obama be completely destroyed and may their message be rendered ineffective have no impact on president Obama's support in the Name of Jesus. Lord paralyze every evil handiwork of all president Obama's enemies in the Name of Jesus.  Lord send back every evil arrow that has been fired against president Obama in the Name of Jesus.  O Lord, put to shame every satanic handiwork and the handiwork of the enemies of President Obama's presidency in the Name of Jesus. Lord uproot every tree of profitless hard work in the life of president Obama in the Name of Jesus.  Let all strange hands and legs walk out of president Obama's government in the Name of Jesus.  Lord I bind the spirit of error from President Obama's life in the Name of Jesus.  Let every trouble emanating from envious political opponents be rendered null and void in Jesus' Name.  Lord let every satanic hosts against president Obama's prosperity receive blindness and commotion in the Name of Jesus. Let every mistake made by president Obama be converted to a miracle in the Name of Jesus.  Lord use every American citizen, resident and the residents of all other countries to bless president Obama in the Name of Jesus.  Lord use every person in his environment to bless the president in the Name of Jesus.  Lord remove every hindrance of the enemies of president's success in the Name of Jesus.  Lord shield him from every form of deception in the Name of Jesus.  Lord reveal every stronghold and source of hindrance to the president's success in the Name of Jesus.

Lord anoint president Obama with fresh oil from heaven.  Make him a channel of blessing for this nation in the Name of Jesus.  Equip president Obama with knowledge, wisdom, divine strategies and supernatural wisdom in the Name of Jesus.  Grant him the wisdom of Joseph, David, Daniel, Moses and Solomon in Jesus' Name. Lord may his star rise and outshine every other star right now in the Name of Jesus. Lord, grant him wisdom to rule with integrity and with power in Jesus Name.  Lord grant him favor with man and angels, and make him a great instrument in Your hands O Lord. Father, cover him with the blood of Jesus and build a hedge of fire around him.  Let him be the head and not the tail, on top and not the bottom. Father, prepare a table for him in the presence of his enemies and fill his cup to overflowing, that all may see and know that surely this was the Lord's choice for the US at this time in Jesus' Name.

Lord, thank you that You are working out things in the hidden places and correcting every mistake that is made in the economy in policy and using any mistakes for the good of Your children in the Name of Jesus.  Lord I cover this prayer in the Blood of Jesus and deliver it to Your throne of Grace.  In Jesus' Name I have Prayed.  AMEN!

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